St. Peter’s Adult Information Class (AIC) is much more than dusty facts and dry lectures – it’s an adventure! Journey with Pastor Steve Ahlersmeyer and he will guide you through the major teachings of the ancient church, including the Trinity (Father-Son-Holy Spirit), the Sacraments (Baptism-Lord’s Supper), the message of the Bible, the life of the Church, etc. 

Also included is vital information to help you get connected with the family of believers at St. Peter’s…and beyond! Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to the church is that we would CONNECT with His Word and Sacraments in worship with fellow believers, that we would GROW in our understanding of His truth, and that we would SHARE this good news with a world starving for answers and dying to live! 


St. Peter’s AIC is an important stop on your journey to becoming a mature and active child of God – call us to get connected today!