PrayER Team Organizer

Role Description

  1. Organizers will agree to being contacted once per week by the PrayER Team Coordinator with an update on any prayer requests received or updates for the Team that week.
  2. Organizers will contact each person in the PrayER Team to pass along this information. This contact can be made in whatever format works best for the team (email, phone call, text, carrier pigeon, etc.).
  3. Organizers will forward any questions or information received from the PrayER Team with the PrayER Team Coordinator.
  4. Organizers are asked to commit to praying at least once that week by name for the individuals on the prayer lists.
  5. Organizers will contact the PrayER Team Organizer with any questions or in the event the Organizer is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
  6. Organizers will be asked to attend meetings three times per year of all PrayER Team Organizers.


  1. Each Organizer will receive a prayer journal that may be used to record prayer requests received (although not required).
  2. The welcome packet will also contact helpful information on how to pray, what the Bible says about prayer, a sample prayer for that topic, and more.
  3. Organizers will receive a list of members of the PrayER Team along with contact information. Updates will be communicated through the PrayER Team Coordinator.
  4. Organizers will receive from the PrayER Team Coordinator periodic prayer suggestions, Scripture references, or other pertinent information for the Team's prayer topic to pass along to the Team.
  5. During the Organizer meetings, Organizers will receive additional support and be given the opportunity to share insights and suggestions for the PrayER Team program.

Click here if you are interested in serving as a Prayer Team Organizer.