God, our good and gracious Heavenly Father, comes to us in our worship services through His Word in the Holy Bible, Baptism, and Holy Communion. He gives us faith and sustains our faith as we come together.
The St. Peter's Lutheran Church altar guild is the part of the body of Christ that prepares the altar for the worship services throughout the year. The candles are filled with oil, the wine and bread wafers are prepared for Holy Communion, the altar cloths are changed to follow the church year colors, and the church vessels are cared for. At Thanksgiving, a Thanksgiving table is prepared; at Christmas and Easter, flowers are used to beautify the sanctuary.
The Altar Guild is currently composed of 26 ladies of all ages who serve for two months of the year. We enjoy a delicious salad potluck together in August where we afterwards have a meeting to discuss what has happened the past year and to think about the coming year. In January we have a Clean and Polish day where we all get a chance to work together.
During a month of serving, 4-6 ladies serve together to cover the many different services that St. Peter's has to offer, including the weddings and funerals. We work closely with the elders and pastors and count upon the congregation for help with the harvest items for the Thanksgiving table and the flowers at Christmas and Easter. The items for worship are purchased through individual donations and memorials.
For more information or to serve in the Altar Guild, please contact the church office.
Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with Your most gracious favor and further us with Your continual help, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in You, we may glorify Your holy name and finally, by Your mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.