Day 1: Recognizing Christ's Presence
Reading: Luke 1:39-45
Devotional: Elizabeth and her unborn child, John, recognized Jesus even before He was born. This reminds us that Christ's presence can be felt in unexpected ways and places. Today, reflect on moments when you've sensed God's presence in your life. How can you become more attuned to recognizing Christ in your daily experiences? Ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see Him working in and around you.
Day 2: The Joy of Salvation
Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 2:8-14
Devotional: The sermon emphasized the joy that comes from recognizing Jesus as our Savior. The shepherds experienced this joy when the angels announced Christ's birth. Isaiah prophesied about the good news that the Messiah would bring. Consider the joy of your own salvation. How has knowing Christ as your Savior changed your life? Express your gratitude to God for the gift of salvation and ask Him to renew your joy in Him.
Day 3: Waiting with Hope
Reading: Romans 8:18-25, Revelation 21:1-5
Devotional: The pastor expressed anticipation for Christ's return, when all suffering will end. Paul writes about creation groaning as it waits for redemption, and John's vision in Revelation shows us the ultimate hope we have in Christ. Reflect on the challenges you face in your life. How does the promise of Christ's return and the new creation give you hope? Pray for strength to persevere in faith as you wait for God's promises to be fulfilled.
Day 4: God's Presence in Our Struggles
Reading: Psalm 23, Matthew 28:16-20
Devotional: The sermon touched on the struggles we face, even during joyous seasons like Christmas. Yet, we're reminded that God is with us through it all. The Psalmist describes God's comforting presence, and Jesus promises to be with us always. Think about a current struggle in your life. How can you invite God's presence into that situation? Take time to sit quietly in God's presence, allowing His peace to fill you.
Day 5: Living in Light of Christ's Coming
Reading: Colossians 3:1-4, 1 Peter 1:13-16
Devotional: Knowing that Christ has come and will come again should impact how we live. Paul and Peter encourage us to set our minds on things above and live holy lives in light of Christ's return. Consider how the reality of Christ's first and second coming should shape your priorities and actions. What might need to change in your life to better reflect your hope in Christ? Ask God to help you live each day with eternity in mind.
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Together with you in Christ,
Pastor Dancy
Pastor McDowell
Pastor Nate