Youth Ministries

High School Youth Group

St. Peter’s HSYG is a very active group of High School students from St. Peter’s and their friends. Sunday meetings include time to hang out with each other, to play games, and, most importantly, to read and talk about God’s Word and how to live our lives as Christians.


In addition, participants in HSYG have opportunities to participate in social events, mission trips, volunteering, and large youth gatherings.


Middle School Youth Group

St. Peter’s Middle School Youth Group, known as MSYG, offered to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, from both our day school and any other school, is a place to have fun together and learn what God’s word tells us about growing and living our lives together.


In addition, MSYG will sponsor volunteer events and other fun activities. Come be a part of this exciting group… and feel free to bring a friend.

Junior Confirmation

In the Lutheran tradition, helping middle school age students learn how to understand the Bible and to build their life around its teachings is one of the Church's most important functions. At St. Peter's one of our goals is to make sure that our confirmands have a thorough understanding of what it means to be an LCMS Lutheran according to the Word of God.

More Info or Enroll a Student
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