About Us

Who We Are

In today’s world we all seek meaning, but how we define ourselves is important.

At St. Peter's we have been embracing what it means to be part of the family of God, according to the truth of the Bible, as His children since 1855.

In this place, living meaningfully is possible because Jesus Christ died on the Cross and rose from the dead. He paid for our sins. Through His redemption we now have purpose.

By recognizing that Jesus Christ is at the center of our lives, we are now free to live according to His will.

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Our Mission

Connect to Christ

At St. Peter's we offer many opportunities to further our relationship with God. Through worship and praise we connect with our Triune God the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.

Grow in His grace

Growing in grace is a lifelong process that is a gift from God. Through the study of His Word, we grow and mature in our understanding of faith

Share Him with others

Our Lord Jesus Christ told us that we should share His love with our neighbor. In thankfulness for His gifts, we gladly spread the good news of His love.

Three Beliefs

These three beliefs are the foundational tenets of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and are derived directly from the Bible.

Grace Alone

The Bible teaches that because of Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross we have been given access to the forgiveness of sins, or grace, through faith. (John 3:16)

Faith Alone

The Bible clearly states that the acquisition of faith is a passive act that is given to us through the virtue of the Holy Spirit by means of the Word of God. (Rom 10:17)

Scripture Alone

The Word of God is inerrant and therefore does not make mistakes in any way. We hold that the Bible is therefore the true word of God given to us through His chosen instruments and cannot be changed or altered. (Matt 5:17-18)

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Our Values

God’s Word – It is foundational to who we are and what we do. We believe that the Word (as it is confessed in the unaltered Augsburg Confessions) not only brings us salvation, but guides us in all matters of faith and life.

Worship – It is our main activity and priority in our Christian lives. We offer a variety of worship opportunities for God to bless His people with Word and sacrament. 

Service As God’s redeemed people, He has equipped His people with a variety of talents and gifts that are intended to be used in service to Him and our neighbor.

Education – We value the importance of Christ-centered education at all stages of life. We expect our members to be engaged in the study of God’s Word.

Outreach – We seek ways and opportunities to help our members share their faith with those who do not know Christ. 

Marriage and Family – We want to nurture marriages and families so that spouses and children can enjoy all the blessings that come from their Savior, Jesus Christ, and stay strong and committed to Him and one another as they live out their lives in a culture that is becoming increasingly anti-marriage and family. 

People – People of all ages are our greatest resource and viewed as precious gifts from God. We want to help and care for others as we treat each person with the dignity and respect that God has placed on all human life. 

Leadership Team

Church Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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