Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which service is right for me?

    St. Peter's currently offers multiple worship services in two different formats to meet different tastes and schedules. On Sunday morning, we offer two services (8 & 10:30 am). These services are traditional and are mostly organ music. (Once a month during the school year, the praise team will lead music during a 10:30 service.) Saturday and Monday evening worship is more of a blend of traditional and contemporary style worship. 

  • Where should I park?

    Spaces are reserved in the west parking lot (from the State Blvd. entrance) for those with disabilities or limited mobility. You will find general parking in the lot on the east side of the church (from the Maysville Rd. entrance) and in the lot to the south of the church.

    Campus Map
  • What should I wear?

    While there is no 'dress code,' worshipers typically dress casually for the Saturday (and Monday during the summer) service. Worshippers on Sunday morning range from casual to Sunday best.

  • What about my children?

    Children are invited and welcome during all worship services! For little, active hands, there are busy bags available in the west hallway outside the Santuary. Each is filled with a variety of toys and quiet activities for use during worship. 

    If you find your little one needs a quiet space or a diaper change, we have the Family Room available just outside the back of the Sanctuary. There you will find a rocker, changing table, age appropriate toys, and even a TV to continue viewing the worship service.

    During the Sunday 10:30 service, Kids of the Kingdom is offered for children age three through first grade. Children are invited to leave worship before the sermon to enjoy an age appropriate lesson in the lower level. They are returned after the sermon. 

  • Should I give at the offering?

    This is an opportunity in our service for us to give back to God out of what He has first given to us. We do not expect visitors to participate unless they too are moved to express thankfulness to God for what He has done. 

  • Will I be able to follow along during the service?

    Yes! We project all the words and hymns for the service on the screens at the front of the church. Our services are very easy to follow. 

    There are also Large Print Bulletins available from an Usher and hymnals in the pews if you like to look at the music when we sing.

  • What is communion all about and do I participate?

    St. Peter’s teaches and believes that through the body and blood of Jesus Christ, offered under bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper, God gives to His children the forgiveness of sins. Since this is a sacred meal, St. Peter’s distributes the Lord’s Supper to communicants who have been prepared to receive it. If you have not been confirmed or hold to a confession of faith that differs from this church and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, we ask that you refrain until you have spoken with one of our pastors.

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