Day 1: The Light Within Reading: Matthew 5:14-16 Devotional: Just as Christmas lights illuminate the darkness, we are called to be lights in the world. Today's passage reminds us that our light comes from God, and we are meant to shine brightly for others to see. Reflect on how God's love and grace shine through you, even in difficult times. Are there areas of your life where God makes you a light for others? Ask God to help you shine more brightly, reflecting His glory in all you do.
Day 2: Refined by Fire Reading: 1 Peter 1:6-7 Devotional: The sermon spoke of how gold becomes more reflective when heated. Similarly, our faith is refined through trials. Consider the challenges you're facing right now. How might God be using these difficulties to purify your faith and make you shine more brightly? Remember, just as gold emerges more valuable after refining, our faith becomes stronger and more precious through trials. Pray for strength and perseverance as you go through life's refining processes.
Day 3: A Heart Transformation Reading: Jeremiah 24:7 Devotional: God promises to give us a heart to know Him. This isn't a superficial change, but a transformation at our very core. Like the difference between LED lights and true incandescent bulbs, God's work in us goes beyond the surface. Reflect on how God has changed your heart over time. Are there areas where God is using His transforming touch in you? Invite God to continue His work in you, making you more like Him from the inside out.
Day 4: From Ashes to Beauty Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3 Devotional: The restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral reminds us of God's ability to bring beauty from ashes. No matter how destroyed or broken we may feel, God can renew and restore us. Think about areas in your life that feel damaged or beyond repair. Offer these to God, trusting in His power to rebuild and beautify. Thank Him for His promise to bring good out of even the most difficult circumstances.
Day 5: Shining in Adversity Reading: Psalm 66:10-12 Devotional: Today's psalm echoes the sermon's message about going through fire and water, yet emerging into a place of abundance. When we face adversity, we have the opportunity to shine even more brightly for God. Reflect on a time when you experienced God's faithfulness through a difficult season. How did that experience change you? Ask God to help you trust Him more deeply, knowing that He can bring you through any trial into a place of spiritual abundance.
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Together with you in Christ,
Pastor Dancy
Pastor McDowell
Pastor Nate