Special Easter Choir

We would love to have you, and anyone you know who likes to sing, join our ranks in raising a joyful noise to our Lord as we remember His passion, death, and resurrection. Note the schedule of rehearsals and worship services:


Tuesdays - March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15

6:30-7:45 pm - Cornerstone Room - please enter through Door 9 (Preschool Door)

Worship Services:

Palm Sunday - April 13 - 8:00 am & 10:30 am services. 

Good Friday - April 18 - 7:00 pm service. 

Easter Sunday - April 20 - 6:30 am, 8:00 am, & 10:30 am services. 

If you, and/or someone you know would like to join us, please email our Director of Music, Tim Degen, at tdegen@stpetersfw.org. 

Sanctuary Care Crew

We have several incredible teams of members that rotate different jobs throughout each month to keep our Sanctuary and the surrounding area clean and ready for worship in our most sacred space. Recently, one of our teams had to step down from running the floor machine, dry mop, and dusting. If you're interested in being part of this amazing set of people who care for God's house behind the scenes, either email our coordinators, Devon & Alicia Weaver HERE or fill out the form through the button below.

Share your expectations HERE

Spring HOPE Before & After Teams

HOPE Sessions are about fellowship with our community of St. Peter's members and guests. Community not only means what can be done for me, but also what I can do as part of this community. Join the "Before and After" teams from meal planning, bringing a dish, table prep, tidying up afterwards, teaching a class, or other way many hands make light work of these special weeks together.

Contact Michelle for More Info

Social Ministry Mission Trips

(*Looks like Mike is sneaking another trip in and leaves Sunday, February 16th. Keep him in your prayers as he works with the Fuller Center in South Carolina.)

The next mission trip will be sometime in April. We'll keep updated details here when we have them. You can sign up for one week or two. Room and board for most trips is $150 per week.

If you'd like to be given information on the next Social Ministry Mission Trip, email Mike HERE

Kids of the Kingdom Leaders

Lisa Hieber does a wonderful job preping age appropriate lessons for every weekend so it's fairly easy to pop in and help run one of them.

Contact Lisa for More Info

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