If you have a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and are 73 years old or older, you likely know that you are required to take a minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA. However, you can take advantage of a unique tool - a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) - to support the mission of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to make known the love of Christ within our churches, communities, and the world.
Making a QCD from your IRA is a wonderful way to support the LCMS, the missionaries, and program areas you love without having the required distribution added to your income for that year. Further, you may allocate up to $105,000 per year directly to eligible charities such as the LCMS. You should direct any questions you have to your Retirement Fund Advisor.
PLEASE NOTE: While there are income tax related benefits to making Qualified Charitable Distributions, the information above is not legal, tax, estate planning or financial advice and is intended for general information only. Interested individuals are encouraged to consult their licensed legal and/or financial advisor for professional advice.
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Together with you in Christ,
Pastor Dancy
Pastor McDowell
Pastor Nate