Like any family, our St. Peter's family grows and changes throughout the year. We welcome new babies into our fold through baptism, and we mourn the dear souls that we have loved who are now in the arms of Jesus. We have people transfer into membership, and we have people move away. While we welcome new members every month, twice a year we focus on inviting those who are considering membership to learn more about our ministry and to prayerfully consider getting connected.
You can help spread the word about this opportunity to explore membership at St. Peter's. If you have a friend or family member who does not currently have a church home, please extend the invitation to them to join us for St. Peter's 101. This introductory class provides a brief overview of our ministry, our opportunities, and the process for becoming a member.
If you are new to St. Peter's and would like to attend, please click here to RSVP.
If you know someone we should be sure to invite, click here to send us a name and contact info.
Thank you for joining our newsletter. You will receive the newsletter via email on Mondays.
Together with you in Christ,
Pastor Dancy
Pastor McDowell
Pastor Nate