This will be the 3rd year St. Peter's will be participating in the iLEAD program with other local LCMS churchs, and we highly encourage you to come to the plenary sessions on the dates listed below to hear some incredible speakers, completely free, with breakfast included. Leadership development is crucial in the church. If you’ve been invited to step into a leadership role, say yes! The Lord has work for you to do. If God has given you leadership ability, and you aren’t currently serving in the church, let Pastor Nate, Pastor McDowell, or Michelle Leahy know you’re interested in iLEAD.
All iLEAD sessions plenary sessions start at 8:30 am
Registration is not required, but does help the hosting church plan for food. Click the flier to register.
The vast ministry and care opportunities of St. Peter's Lutheran Church & School would not be possible without the dedicated leadership of her members. These are but a few of the faithful who make this ministry what it is.
Senior Interim Pastor
Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor & Director of Community of Care
Day School Principal
Preschool Director
Director of Music
Reception & Hospitality
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Reception & Hospitality
Properties Manager
Executive Admin Assistant
Thank you for joining our newsletter. You will receive the newsletter via email on Mondays.
Together with you in Christ,
Pastor Dancy
Pastor McDowell
Pastor Nate