Who would have thought, back in 1999, when our late Pastor, Don Nord, suggested that our Social Ministry Team undertake the initiation of an annual Thanksgiving Day Food Drive, that it would still be going 26 years later. The amount of food collected increases nearly each and every year! Last year’s food collection appeared to be the largest to date. To GOD be the glory!
Once again, we are asking members to support this year’s food collection with non-perishable food items on Thanksgiving Day. Tables will be set up in the west hallway to receive donations and PLEASE CHECK EXPIRATION DATES as we can not pass on any items with expired dates. Thank You.
The Social Ministry Team and VOLUNTEERS will gather Friday morning in the west hallway at 9:00 AM to sort, divide and deliver the food collected. Last year we provided ample food supplies to 9 families and the balance was delivered to our own Seminary Food Bank for distribution to Seminary students.
If you or someone you know could use this kind of help, please contact one of our pastors, providing a name, phone number, and address, prior to November 17, 2024. This information will be used as needed, in a confidential manner. With God’s guidance and direction, we will again be able to help families, member, and non-member alike, to have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. God’s blessings to all involved.
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Together with you in Christ,
Pastor Dancy
Pastor McDowell
Pastor Nate