Alfonso Espinosa is the current senior pastor at Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Irvine and the author of "Faith That Engages the Culture" (CPH 2021) and "Faith That Sees Through the Culture" (CPH 2018). He is also the contributing author to several publications in the areas of Christian Apologetics, Christology, Creation, Nursing as Ministry, God's Nature as Merciful, and C.F.W. Walther and his teaching on sanctification. He served on the study notes team for "The Lutheran Study Bible" and wrote two chapters in the book "The Lutheran Difference." He is a former, long-time adjunct theology professor at Concordia University Irvine and currently serves on The Board for National Mission of The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod. Dr. Espinosa's Ph.D. is from The University of Birmingham, England; his M.Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; and his M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, La Mirada, CA. He and his beautiful wife Traci Dawn live in Southern California.
Thank you for helping us welcome Rev. Dr. Espinosa with your presence this weekend for worship and at 8:30 am Saturday morning for iLEAD.
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Together with you in Christ,
Pastor Dancy
Pastor McDowell
Pastor Nate